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In conversation with Mr.Rakesh Bansal- CEO and MD at Uniline Energy Systems India

JahnaviConsidering Uniline Energy India is the next-generation energy solution provider for all Commercial Enterprise, Infrastructure, Industrial & Residential Sectors, how do Uniline aim to do so? 

Rakesh– Being one of the top energy solutions providers since the last 3 decades, we have catered to the diverse needs of majoritysectors in India. We have achieved this by focusing on several key aspects. Firstly, we have prioritized technological innovation, we are constantly developing cutting-edge energy solutions that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly. Secondly, we place great emphasis on customization, tailoring our offerings to meet the specific requirements of each sector. Uniline is known for delivering Power Solutionsfor mission critical loads engineered to global standards.Lastly, we strive for seamless integration and implementation of our solutions with the applications, ensuring smooth experience and enhanced performance for our customers.

JahnaviWhat are the long-term goals of Uniline? Are there any set goals which needs to be achieved by 2030? If yes, what are they? 

Rakesh– Uniline Energy has set an ambitious long-term goal, that we aim to achieve by 2030. These goals align with our commitment to sustainability, growth, and customer satisfaction. By 2030, we plan to expand our market presence globally, establishing Uniline as a trusted name in the international energy solutions space. Additionally, we aim to contribute significantly to the renewable energy sector, with a target of installing a substantial capacity of renewable energy systems. We are also committed to continuous innovation and improvement, developing advanced energy storage solutions and smart grid technologies.

JahnaviWhat is the core vision of the company?

Rakesh– The core vision of Uniline is to be a leader in providing comprehensive energy solutions that empowers businesses, industries, and households to thrive sustainably. We envision a future where reliable, efficient, fit & forget energy solutions are accessible to all, while minimizing the impact on the environment. Through our commitment to innovation, customization, and customer satisfaction, we strive to create a world where energy solutions are seamlessly integrated, enabling progress and growth for our clients.

JahnaviUniline’s Power Solutions boast of the lowest TCO in the industry, how do you make this possible? 

Rakesh– Yes, it is true that our Power Solutions at Uniline are known for having the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in the industry. We achieve this through a combination of key factors. Firstly, our strong focus on research and development enables us to design and manufacture energy solutions that are highly efficient, effectively minimizing energy wastage and operational expenses. Secondly, we prioritize the utilization of high-quality components and advanced manufacturing processes, ensuring the durability and dependability of our systems. Our power solutions are built to withstand the diverse conditions present in India and have been proven to last for decades in the field. Lastly, our unwavering commitment to providing excellent after-sales service and support plays a crucial role in minimizing downtime and optimizing the lifespan of our products. This dedication ultimately contributes to reducing the overall TCO for our valued customers.

JahnaviWhat is your advice for all the budding companies in your industry?

Rakesh– Budding companies in our industry must prioritize innovation and adaptability. The energy sector is constantly evolving, with advancements in technology and changing customer expectations. To succeed, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve and continuously seek innovative solutions. Additionally, it’s important to foster strong partnerships and collaborations, as the energy sector often requires a multidisciplinary approach. Finally, maintaining a customer-centric approach and consistently delivering exceptional service will help build trust and loyalty, enabling long-term success.

JahnaviWhat all marketing strategies are followed by the Uniline? How do you think and recognise which strategies are the best for your organisation?

Rakesh– Uniline employs various marketing strategies to effectively reach our target audience. We utilize a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels, including industry events, trade shows, online advertising, and social media platforms. Our marketing team conducts thorough market research to understand the preferences and needs of our customers, enabling us to tailor our strategies accordingly. Additionally, our teams continuously monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns through analytics and feedback, allowing us to refine our approach and identify the best strategies.

JahnaviWhat according to you is the core aspect behind every company for its success? 

Rakesh– The core aspect behind every company’s success is a strong commitment to its core values and customer satisfaction. It is essential to establish a clear vision and mission that resonates with both the company’s employees and its target market. Additionally, fostering a culture of innovation, continuous improvement, and adaptability is crucial for staying competitive in a rapidly changing business landscape. Lastly, investing in human capital and building a highly skilled and motivated team is vital for achieving long-term success, as it is the collective efforts and dedication of the people behind the company.

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