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Transcend Wins National Award and Earns Top 50 Spot in US Patent Quality Ranking

Transcend-NICAaward_CMYKTranscend Information, Inc. (Transcendhttp://www.transcend.com.tw/pr/press/images/small_r2.gif), is proud to announce that one of its memory device patents has been awarded the prestigious “Silver Medal”for its exceptional innovation at the 2013 National Invention and Creation Award (NICA) competition organized by Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Office. This cutting-edge patent, which pertains to the data access circuit and access method within non-volatile memory devices, has already been implemented throughout Transcend’s SSD product range, including industrial SSDs.

National Invention and Creation Award
This year”s “Silver Medal” marks Transcend’s fourth National Invention and Creation Award. The award-winning invention allows faster data block management in SSD products by assigning a weight value to each storage area based on its error history and usage status. This means that storage areas can be quickly classified and given different data access priority. Additionally, any disabled blocks will be classified in the disabled block area to prevent data storage, thereby reducing the probability of failure and extending the life span of the storage device.

This invention has not only obtained a key patent in Taiwan, but has also won crucial patent certificates in both China and the USA. The technology has already been applied to the controller designs of Transcend’s current consumer and industrial-grade SSD products.

Taiwan’s Top 50 Companies in US Patent Quality Ranking
Transcend has been recognized as one of Taiwan’s Top 50 companies based on US patent quality among an enterprise IP survey conducted jointly by the Science and Technology Law Institute of Taiwan and Ocean Tomo, LLC. Transcend’s R&D team is well known for its superior innovation and design capability. With over 20 years of technical experience and expertise, Transcend has obtained 73 granted patents and filed more than 70 additional patent applications. The survey found Transcend to be one of the Top 50 Taiwanese companies that showed outstanding performance on perceived patent quality.

Ocean Tomo, LLC
Established in 2003, Ocean Tomo, LLC provides financial products and services related to intellectual property, including expert testimony, valuation, strategy, research, ratings, investments, risk management and transactions.