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Sustaining mental health in the startup world, Lessons from Founders

In the fast-paced world of startups, where innovation and entrepreneurship reign supreme, the mental well-being of founders often takes a backseat. However, these visionary entrepreneurs are not just architects of innovation but also the guardians of their own mental health. On this World Mental Health Day, we delve into the stories of startup founders who are prioritizing their inner strength and resilience to thrive in the midst of the entrepreneurial storm.

From mindfulness practices and spiritual journeys to prioritizing self-care and creating supportive work environments, these entrepreneurs are redefining success in entrepreneurship by placing their mental well-being at the forefront.

Amidst the entrepreneurial storm, startup founders are the architects of innovation, but let’s not forget, we’re also the guardians of our own mental well-being. On this World Mental Health Day, let’s build resilience into our business plans and prioritize our inner strength. Our journey to success is anchored in nurturing a healthy mind and fostering a supportive community. Together, we’ll not only innovate but also thrive amidst the storm – Anshul Khurana, Co-founder, Entitled Solutions

As startup founders, we’re constantly faced with demands and pressures that can easily overwhelm us, leaving little room for self-care and mental well-being. However, I’ve come to realize that taking care of ourselves is not a distraction from our entrepreneurial journey but rather an essential part of it. For me, prioritizing self-care has been a game-changer. It’s about pausing, breathing, and checking in with myself amidst the excitement and challenges of entrepreneurship. This not only benefits my mental well-being but also enhances my productivity and overall satisfaction on this incredible entrepreneurial journey – Sourabh Deorah, CEO & Co-Founder, Advantage Club 

In the relentless pursuit of entrepreneurial success, startup founders are not just building businesses; they’re also crafting their own well-being strategies. At Zell Education, we recognize the importance of nurturing the mental health of our entrepreneurial community. Through our pioneering finance and accounts Ed-tech platform, we empower founders with the financial knowledge and tools they need to navigate the stormy seas of entrepreneurship while prioritizing their mental health. Because only when the mind is in balance can true innovation and prosperity thrive – Anant Bengani, Director, Zell Education

The key lesson I’d like to share from my entrepreneurial journey is the importance of maintaining consistency in your daily routine to weather the highs and lows. It’s also crucial to prioritize your mental, physical & spiritual well-being, and one effective way to do this is through meditation. For me, the practice of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism, which centers around the concepts of Human Revolution and cause and effect, has been transformative. It has helped me strike a balance between my professional and personal life, emphasize self-care, and continue my personal growth journey. These principles have served as my steadfast pillars of strength, providing stability amid the relentless challenges of entrepreneurship. – Saurabh Arora, Founder & CEO, University Living

Success in entrepreneurship is not solely determined by the number of deals closed or revenue generated; it is also deeply intertwined with our mental well-being and the value it adds in our professional lives. For me, it starts with recognizing the importance of recharging. I make it a priority to take time off, disconnect from work, and engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation. This allows me to return to my ventures with renewed energy and a clear mindset. I ensure implementing self-care practices that promote my well-being, whether it’s exercising, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies that bring me fulfillment. Fostering a healthy work environment has also been crucial. I believe in creating a culture of support, open communication, and collaboration. –  Rohit Gupta, COO, College Vidya

As entrepreneurs, we are driven by passion, ambition, and the desire to create something meaningful. However, in the pursuit of our goals, we must not forget the significance of our mental well-being. Surrounding myself with a strong support system of family, friends, and mentors who understand the entrepreneurial journey has been invaluable. Creating a positive work environment has been essential for maintaining my mental resilience. By fostering a culture of open communication, collaboration, and respect, I’ve built a team that not only shares my vision but also supports one another’s well-being. It’s about celebrating wins, learning from failures, and growing together – Anil Agarwal, CEO & Co-Founder, InCruiter 

In managing an always-on digital agency as a woman founder, while juggling the responsibilities of a mother, prioritizing mental health isn’t a choice; it’s a necessity. Blocking dedicated time for critical tasks, prioritizing what’s really important, and fully immersing myself in quality time with my family to completely switch off and savor those moments are some of the strategies that work for me.  Allocating time for solitude, taking long walks in green outdoors, and cultivating a network of happy, positive individuals who can inject doses of laughter when you need it the most are equally crucial. These little things can mean the difference between simply surviving entrepreneurship and thriving amidst it all – Zahara Kanchwalla, Co-founder & CEO, Rite KnowledgeLabs

“In my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve come to realize that mental health isn’t just a priority; it’s the very foundation of success. To navigate the turbulent waters of entrepreneurship effectively, it is paramount to focus on your mental health and over the years, I’ve ensured I do that. And it’s equally important to extend this commitment to our incredible Keka team.

At Keka, we believe that a thriving business is inseparable from the thriving mental well-being of our employees.  Let’s remember that our collective mental well-being is the cornerstone upon which we build a brighter future at Keka and in our personal lives”. – Vijay Yalamanchili, Founder & CEO of Keka.

“Amidst the entrepreneurial storm, startup founders are the architects of innovation, but let’s not forget, we’re also the guardians of our own mental well-being. On this World Mental Health Day, let’s build resilience into our business plans and prioritize our inner strength. Our journey to success is anchored in nurturing a healthy mind and fostering a supportive community. Together, we’ll not only innovate but also thrive amidst the storm”  Anshul Khurana, Co-founder of Entitled Solutions 

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