1 min read

Premium+ users and organizations on X platform are now permitted to publish articles

X has introduced a new feature called Articles, allowing Premium+ users and verified organizations to publish long-form posts. This feature enables users to create posts with text formatting, embedded videos and images, similar to platforms like WordPress or Medium.

Last year, X, owned by Elon Musk, raised the character limit for long posts to 25,000 characters for paying users. However, the character limit for Articles appears to be higher, reaching up to 100,000 characters, as observed by Engadget. Notably, users can incorporate bulleted lists and hyperlinked text into their articles.


Chris Bakke, whose company Laskie was acquired by X last year, shared a post demonstrating the feature’s capabilities, indicating its potential for various content types.

Twitter previously introduced a similar feature called Notes as a long-form publishing medium in 2022, before Musk’s involvement with the company. However, under Musk’s leadership, the Notes project was halted, ad-free articles were discontinued, and the newsletter platform Revenue was terminated.

Despite these changes, Musk mentioned in July 2023 that the company was working on enabling creators to publish long-form articles with mixed media. He expressed the vision for users to be able to share extensive, multimedia-rich content, even comparing it to publishing a book.

Musk has consistently encouraged prominent figures like MrBeast and Tucker Carlson to publish content directly on X. With the introduction of the Articles feature, the platform aims to attract writers interested in sharing their work directly on the platform.

Overall, the addition of the Articles feature represents a significant expansion of X’s capabilities, allowing for more diverse and extensive content creation. It aligns with Musk’s vision of transforming the platform into a hub for high-quality, multimedia-rich content, potentially drawing in a wider range of users and creators.

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