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Post Budget Reaction 2023- Rajeev Sinha, Co-Founder, Onlygood

Rajeev Sinha, Co-Founder, Onlygood

Rajeev Sinha, Co-Founder, Onlygood – A Unified Sustainability Monitoring & Management Platform  said “The Budget 2023 paves an urgent pathway towards a more focused Sustainable Development of the nation & its economy. A welcome and seemingly robust steering of the economy can be expected in the coming years, courtesy wider budget allocations to Sustainability based infrastructure & capacity-building for this year. Better Capacity Battery Energy Storage Systems, Green Credit Programme for intrinsic behavioral change, PM-PRANAM Initiative for Restoration, Conservation & Awareness of Natural Resources, GOBARdhan Scheme to inspire circular economy etc. are some heart-warming additions in the Budget in terms of Green Growth of the Nation.

It would seem very likely that relevant institutions & our government are now motivated with urgency to achieve the promised Net Zero Goals, primarily through Energy Transition Objectives.

In my opinion, this is going to be a very important year from the lens of Sustainability, as the trickle-down effect of this crucial concept has acquired a considerable pace in the last year. In this welcome advance, we shall hope to be an important part of Sustainability’s very own torchbearer community”

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