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How Can I Strengthen My Password By Using A Special Character?

Gone are the days when password protection was limited to your personal computer access or website accounts. These days, password protection is everywhere even the minute of things.
If you were to bring someone from the ancient civilizations that used passwords as a form of communication to the present time, they would be stoked. Effective passwords, however, aren’t a mere suggestion but something you should be actively striving for.

There are several ways a strong password can help you in life. A nonchalant attitude about keeping “easy” passwords is the death sentence of your account and so is the sheer stupidity of keeping common passwords.

Becker shared some interesting info about the state of common passwords. Make sure your passcode isn’t on the list. If it is, then you’ll need help strengthening it. The most popular proposal by the sites themselves is to include capital letters or numbers in your password to make it strong. MIT’s Technology Review says otherwise.

Join us on this crusade where we introduce special characters and their use in creating strong passwords that aren’t easily hackable.

In What Way Can I Increase My Password Power By Utilizing Special Characters?

What Is A Special Character?

A special character is not your standard letter, number, or punctuation mark. It’s called special for a reason. These are the special symbols or non-alphanumeric characters (a character that has either a letter or a symbol or both) used for various functions.

Examples of special characters include but are not limited to…

Function Of Special Characters In Password Robustness

Now to the main point – how viable are special characters for creating strong passwords
when other characters aren’t?

The answer’s pretty simple. If you read Becker’s article, then you’ll know that none of the 30 common passwords included a single special character. Anyone trying to get access to your account will be praying that it doesn’t include any special characters to make their job harder. Special characters are a nightmare for fraudsters and we’re all for it. Allow us to add to their nightmare fuel by exhibiting a few types of special characters.

Invisible Passwords For Maximum Strength Invisible texts are one of the greatest mysteries in online space. We aren’t talking about tapping “spacebar” to create blank spaces no, we’re talking about blank spaces courtesy of Unicode characters. .

These characters are assigned to create blank spaces in places where blank space or ‘spacebar’ use isn’t allowed like password creation for instance. That space between characters in your password is key to its strength.

You can either manually copy/paste invisible Unicode characters from various websites that contain them or use a blank character generator from the internet. Either option is fine but for convenience sake, let’s go with an empty character generator.

On a surface level, we didn’t notice much difference between the various blank space
generators we came across, mostly cosmetic changes. It is then surprising to us that there
are some online  invisible character tools out there that are willing to make a difference.


Pretty standard stuff as far as copying invisible Unicode characters goes. It’s the testing choice it provides right below it that stands out from its competitors. It’s a way of assuring that you’ve successfully copied the blank text without wasting time where the character is actually needed.

You can test the blank character further on password-checking tools such as  Kaspersky to
reaffirm the tool’s integrity and your password strength.



A hack-resistant password that’s not present in any databases at your disposal courtesy of
one special empty character through a blank text generator.

Other Special Characters To Utilize For Maximum Strength While clearly enough on its own to raise your password’s strength, we strongly feel that other special characters also deserve their flowers. The beauty of special characters is that they encompass a wide variety of fields, subjects, and special case uses.

Anyone looking to gain access to your accounts will not consider these characters as they are so out of the ordinary. That’s one part of what makes them special. Learn to adjust to the following special characters in your password for the best security:

Directional Characters: ↑, ↓, ←, →
Currency Characters: $, ¥, €, £
Bracket Characters: ( ), [ ], { }
Mathematical Characters: +, -, ÷, =

There are quite a lot more special characters, but we included the more prominent or easy- to remember ones, so you know what other special characters look like.

Bonus tip, try including more than one special character in your password. We’ve seen from above that one special character is fine but two or more will make sure that your password is uncrackable.

The whole underlying theme of this article is to do everything in your power to not follow tradition or the same routine. Your passcode strength in an interesting way is also determined by your unpredictable nature besides the given text in your actual passcode. Conjure everything you can to not follow in everyone’s shoes when it comes to setting a password. Special characters such as invisible ones allow you to break from the norm to set passwords that even intelligence agencies would have a hard time cracking.


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