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Happiest Minds Technologies starts COVID-19 vaccination drive for its team and family members

Happiest Minds Technologies starts COVID-19 vaccination drive for its team and family members
Happiest Minds Technologies starts COVID-19 vaccination drive for its team and family members

Happiest Minds Technologies Limited (NSE: HAPPSTMNDS), a ‘Born Digital. Born Agile’, a digital transformation and IT solutions company today announced that it has launched a vaccination drive for Happiest Minds and their immediate family members.

To start with, the vaccination drive will cover the company’s facilities based out of Bengaluru and will later be expanded to cover other locations. Happiest Minds has tied up with Fortis Hospitals for the vaccination drives in Bengaluru and has started the vaccination drive on 2nd June 2021.

Ram Mohan C, President & CEO, Infrastructure Management & Security Services, Happiest Minds Technologies, said, “The entire country is facing unprecedented challenges on account of this pandemic. Vaccination is an important measure that can help us tide over the ongoing crisis, also ensuring the safety and well-being of the company’s core assets i.e. our people. We are ensuring that our team and their families are vaccinated at the earliest.”

The latest initiative follows the company’s contribution to COVID 19 relief measures done last year.  Key initiatives toward COVID relief include:

  • Happiest Minds developed VSafe – Vaccination Tracking System application to track the vaccination status of all Happiest Minds and their families
  • Mithra – the Good Samaritan Program consists of a team of volunteers who are committed to counsel Happiest Minds and be available to listen to them, in safety, acceptance and confidentiality
  • Internal First Responders (IFR) Team: The IFR team member assists in guiding the Happiest Mind to the various resources that are available, such as, leave, loan, advance, hospitalization, oxygen, medication, etc.
  • Wellness Programs facilitated by the HappiZest team
  • Medical Tele-consultation for Happiest Minds and their families
  • Procuring Oxygen Concentrators for the use of Happiest Minds and family on a need basis

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