1 min read

YouTube is introducing several new features, including a stable volume setting, a “You” tab for personalized content, and the ability to search for songs by humming

YouTube is introducing a series of new features and design updates to improve the user experience on both its mobile app and web platform.

These updates include a “Stable volume” feature to reduce abrupt changes in volume, larger video preview thumbnails for easier seeking, a quicker way to cancel video scrubbing, and an auto-bump playback speed when pressing and holding the player in full screen or portrait mode.

The platform will also enable users to lock the video player screen to avoid unintended taps.

For creators, the “Subscribe” and “Like” buttons will have sparkling animations, and top comments will automatically rotate for better community engagement.

YouTube is merging the Library and account page into a “You” tab, offering access to previously watched content, playlists, downloads, purchases, and account-related settings.

Additionally, YouTube is introducing a song search feature that allows users to search for songs by singing, humming, or playing a clip, using AI to match the sound to the original recording.

Finally, YouTube on smart TVs will feature a vertical menu for quicker access to video chapters, descriptions, and comments by tapping the video title.

These updates aim to enhance the YouTube experience across various devices and platforms.

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