YouTube Music Releasing Quick Picks Sections

As per several Reddit users, YouTube Music is releasing the latest Quick Picks section on its homepage. The latest Quick Picks category will have a carousel featuring 4 songs on each page.

Problems with Pixel 4 Series

Pixel 4 series users are facing problems with the face unlock feature and have shared their worries on Google’s Issue Tracker, product forum, Reddit, and other podiums. Some users have criticized that

Reddit Is Launching Its Own News Site Called Upvoted

The self-proclaimed front page of the Internet, Reddit, announced its own news site staffed by journalists dedicated to highlighting content and news from the widespread online community. Upvoted, a Reddit news production

Reddit Announces New Anti-Harassment Rules

Reddit, the online discussion forum known for its free-wheeling ethos, is enacting an anti-harassment policy while still trying to keep its roots as a place for free expression. Reddit said in a