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Snapchat’s ‘My AI’ Chatbot Adds Reminder and Countdown Features

Snapchat has announced the launch of a new feature that allows users to set reminders within the app with the assistance of its My AI chatbot. This addition is part of a broader rollout that includes editable chats, AI-generated custom Bitmoji looks, map reactions, emoji reactions, and more.

The introduction of AI reminders aims to encourage users to utilize Snapchat for setting countdowns or reminders instead of relying on their device’s default clock app. Users can leverage the My AI chatbot to set reminders for specific tasks or events directly within the chat window or while conversing with friends.

These reminders enable users to schedule various activities, such as completing assignments or planning upcoming events, thereby positioning Snapchat as more than just a social platform and potentially increasing user engagement.

Furthermore, Snapchat is introducing editable chats, allowing users to edit their messages within five minutes of sending them. Initially available to Snapchat+ subscribers, this feature will eventually be accessible to all users, enhancing communication flexibility.

In another innovative move, users will soon have the ability to design custom digital garments for their Bitmoji characters using generative AI. By inputting prompts like “vibrant graffiti” or “skull flower,” users can generate unique patterns that they can further customize before applying them to their Bitmoji avatars.

Additionally, users who share their location with friends can now react to their friends’ map locations, adding a new layer of interaction. This feature allows users to send reactions such as waves or hearts based on their friends’ whereabouts, enhancing the social experience within the app.

Emoji reactions are also being introduced in chats, enabling users to respond quickly with emojis, similar to other messaging platforms like Instagram and Messenger. This addition aligns with the trend of using emoji reactions for efficient communication and engagement.

The launch of these new features follows Snap’s recent announcement of its Q1 2024 results, which revealed significant growth in daily active users and Snapchat+ subscribers. With 422 million daily active users and over 9 million Snapchat+ subscribers, the platform continues to expand its user base and enhance its offerings to cater to evolving user preferences.

Overall, Snapchat’s latest updates aim to enrich the user experience, foster greater connectivity among users, and position the platform as a multifaceted communication and productivity tool. As the company continues to innovate and adapt to user needs, it remains a prominent player in the social media landscape.

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