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Exactly! a seraphs gentle lapsea fairys dream Equality is much practised in Labassecour; though not republican in form, it is nearly so in substance, and at the desks of Madame Becks establishment the young countess and the young bourgeoise sat side by side.

Yet the rare passion of the constitutionally suave and serene, is not a pleasant spectacle; nor did I like the sort of vindictive thrill which passed through his strong young frame I will that he sees her this evening; her cheeks are flushed, her pulse is quick; you will receive himfor my part, I shall be from home.

This state of things had been foreseen and provided for Do not fancy, reader, that there was any inconsistency in the priests presence at this fte.

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Regardez plutt son chapeau, et ses gants, et ses brodequins! These articles of dress were just like what my companions wore; certainly not one whit smarterperhaps rather plainer than mostbut Monsieur had now got hold of his text, and I began to chafe under the expected sermon The tone was peculiar; my veins thrilled; he saw me shiver.

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This present moment had no pain, no blot, no want; full, pure, perfect, it deeply blessed me And presently the good lady proved that she was indeed no corpse or ghost, but a harsh and hardy old woman; for, upon some aggravation in the clamorous petition of Dsire Beck to her mother, to go to the kiosk and take sweetmeats, the hunchback suddenly fetched her a resounding rap with her gold-knobbed cane.

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Here, Lucy, are some flowers, said he, giving me a bouquet It is proved now, I think, when no distinction is to be made between red and deep nut-brown.

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Well! if I blamed his over-eagerness, I liked his naivet The legend went, unconfirmed and unaccredited, but still propagated, that this was the portal of a vault, imprisoning deep beneath that ground, on whose surface grass grew and flowers bloomed, the bones of a girl whom a monkish conclave of the drear middle ages had here buried alive for some sin against her vow.

The air of the night was very still, but dim with a peculiar mist, which changed the moonlight into a luminous haze He was, too, so perfectly in earnestso energetic, so intent, and, above all, so of the foreigners then resident in Villette.

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And where were you at such a time, papa? And what did you say then? And tell Mrs Bretton what happened on that occasion If Ginevra were in a giddy mood, as she is eminently to-night, she would make no scruple of laughing at that mild, pensive Queen, or that melancholy King She is not actuated by malevolence, but sheer, heedless folly.

Furieusement sometimes, said she As she always doesan English, middle-class gentlewoman; well, though gravely dressed, habitually independent of pretence, constitutionally composed and cheerful.

Still, menial and distasteful as they were, my mental pain was far more wasting and wearing And, like that snowdrift, capable of melting?No! it is of tootoo solid flesh: it is just your own self.

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True; I remember now The carr was quite dark, except a red light shining under and about the stove; the wide glass-doors and the long windows were frosted over; a crystal sparkle of starlight, here and there spangling this blanched winter veil, and breaking with scattered brilliance the paleness of its embroidery, proved it a clear night, though moonless.

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