1 min read

LED Lights To Boost The Bandwidth Of Wi-Fi devices

LED-transmissionWith an aim to boost the bandwidth of Wi-Fi systems, researchers at Oregon State University have invented a new technology using LED lights to transmit information. Interestingly, the bandwidth of Wi-Fi systems gets increased by ten times through this newly launched technique. In fact, the method could be incorporated with existing WiFi systems to reduce bandwidth problems in crowded locations, such as airports or coffee shops, and in homes with multiple WiFi devices.

According to experts, the recent advances in LED technology have made it possible to adapt the LED light more rapidly, opening the possibility of using light for wireless transmission in a “free space” optical communication system.

The prototype, called WiFO creates an invisible cone of light about one meter square in which the data can be received, by wsing LEDs that are beyond the visual spectrum for humans. The innovators created a hybrid system that can switch between several LED transmitters installed on a ceiling, and the existing WiFi system to address the issue of a small area of usability.
Researchers have concluded that WiFO system could be easily transformed into a marketable product and currently looking for a firm that can further develop the technology.