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IT Voice September 2022 Edition


It is anticipated that the emergence of new technologies would fundamentally alter our current reality. What you once only saw in science fiction films is now rapidly approaching reality.

Although flying cars may not be a reality just yet, there are hopes and plans for just about anything you can imagine, including colonising Mars, self-driving automobiles, and artificial intelligence (AI) that will handle even the most basic chores for us.

1. Is the blockchain the Holy Grail of security in the future?

Cryptocurrencies use a technology called the Blockchain, with Bitcoin and Ethereum leading the pack in terms of popularity. Although many people have heard of this new kind of currency, very few are genuinely familiar with its underlying technology.

A blockchain is a decentralised online transactional system that employs encryption and a peer-to-peer (P2P) network to ensure that all the data is secure. Imagine it as a sizable Excel document that is shared and kept across all of the computers connected to the blockchain, but is not owned by any one organisation (e.g. a government or a bank).

The data is kept and encrypted in blocks that are linked to one another (thus the name “blockchain”). Each block has an ID and is related to the one before it. Due to the way this technology works, it is very impossible to alter one block without also altering the others. Even if you were able to accomplish this on a single computer, the other computers on the network would notice and instantly invalidate it. That is why everything is so secure.

Blockchain technology can be used to secure financial transactions, tax filing, voting, and other processes. Digital corruption, data loss, and theft might all be prevented with the use of this technology alone.

2. Digital personal assistants – Hey Google, take care of all my tasks today!

Okay, maybe we’re not there yet, and perhaps we shouldn’t wait until a personal digital assistant can perform all of our tasks (we wouldn’t want to become overly bored, would we?). However, these assistants’ abilities are advancing to increasingly astounding levels.

Did you know that Google has been developing a more sophisticated Google Assistant called Duplex that can really conduct phone calls and make reservations for you? Everyone was amazed by their demonstration, which offered a glimpse into a time when personal assistants may actually become a regular part of our lives.

Google is not the only player in this sector, of course. In an effort to grow together, Microsoft’s Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa have partnered. Even Samsung has created their own personal assistant, Bixby (don’t ask how they came up with that moniker; Apple has Siri). These large corporations’ extensive investment in this technology demonstrates how much they are banking on its future success.

3. There is no need to buy a new computer thanks to cloud and remote computing.

On a company’s private servers, more and more applications are being run through a web browser. This implies that you don’t need a cutting-edge computer to perform your job. Remote processing will be used for everything. All you need is a computer that can operate a web browser and a strong internet connection.

Steps in that approach have already been taken by businesses like Google and Microsoft. Online resources include Google Docs and the Office Suite. True, their capability is now constrained (I’m specifically referring to Microsoft here). But in a few years, we’ll be able to use Adobe Photoshop and the entire Word editor.

Don’t give up if you enjoy playing video games. Companies are already striving to use the most recent cloud technologies to get around the restrictions of streaming video games. Don’t bet on anyone being able to play any game in the future, regardless of their computer’s performance, even though the experience is not yet the same as playing locally and having amazing frame rates.

4. The Array of Things (AoT): Improving society with data

A network of sensors known as a “Array of Things” collects data that is then used by researchers or decision-makers to adopt suitable modifications and address various issues in a city. 

This concept is straightforward. Numerous patterns can be seen in the acquired data.

The data is subsequently posted on a portal that is open to everyone, including businesses, government agencies, and students. Finally, it can be used by software developers to build new apps and find fixes for issues that already exist.

For instance, the city’s sensors might identify the places with the worst air pollution so someone with asthma might avoid them. Do you want to take a peaceful stroll through the park? You can choose the ideal time to go for a walk by using the sensors to determine how many people are around.

There are lots of potential uses for this, and Chicago is the first place where they’re using it.

5. Make sure the drones’ and self-driving cars’ fuel tanks are full

For years, businesses like Apple, Google, and Tesla have been developing self-driving cars. Although their development has been outstanding, it is safe to state that the entire process has been built on trial and error.

Domino’s Pizza is already trialling a self-driving pizza delivery vehicle in the US. Did you know that Amazon’s Prime Air delivery service, which makes use of autonomous drones, is already being tested in the UK? If that isn’t astounding enough for you. The service will be expanded even more using the data collected and consumer feedback.

The horizon appears promising.

Technology will soon assist us in overcoming many of the difficulties we currently face. In addition, they will make new jobs possible while eliminating others.

The most crucial part of creating and utilising all this cutting-edge technology is keeping in mind the fundamental human values and ideals that should serve as a cornerstone. Because we haven’t yet figured out how to give robots morality or conscience, we are solely responsible for how they are created and put to use.

Since everyone should benefit from technology, it should be used to improve our lives and civilizations.

Tarun Kumar Taunk


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