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GRAPHIT Ergonomic Material Handling Solutions Significant Advancement Reports Luman Temby Of Trilogiq USA

Trilogiq USA’s Luman Temby, recently discussed the new integrated production system called GRAPHIT®. The new product line includes VeryGrip, MonoBlok, InstantMatch, and SoftAdjust. GRAPHIT is the first fully reusable system, leaving no physical trace or mark, either on the joint or tube when it is disassembled. The completely reusable tubes and ease of assembly meets the market demand for Ergonomic material handling solutions. GRAPHIT is a tubular system which does away with the need for drilling or tapping used with steel systems.

VeryGrip from GRAPHIT is an integrated grip with a high-performance TPU (Thermo Plastic polyurethane). This TPU adheres to the tube seamlessly, without damaging the tube or the joint, with exceptional precision down to the millimeter across the entire surface area. This soft connection, nevertheless delivers unrivaled grip strength. Luman Temby, Director of Operations for Trilogiq USA, noted, “The results are amazing. The exceptionally powerful grip is easy to adjust and does not damage the tube.”

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