1 min read

Explained: Different ‘layers’ on Google Maps and how they are useful

Google Maps is a widely used platform for navigation, available as a mobile app and web service.

While its main purpose is guiding users to their destinations, it offers additional layers of information to enhance its value.

These map layers provide specific details and features, such as checking traffic, transit options, and even air quality.

The article explains the different types of maps available on Google Maps, including the default view, satellite view, and terrain view. It also discusses map details like transit, traffic, and biking layers, which provide information on transportation options and road conditions.

The article mentions the street view mode, 3D view, and the recent additions of wildfires and air quality views. Additionally, it highlights map tools like the measure tool and travel time tool, which allow users to calculate distances and determine travel ranges. Overall, Google Maps continues to evolve by incorporating AI-powered features and providing users with a comprehensive navigation experience.

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