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Data Privacy Day 2024: Industry leaders’ insights

Scott Register, VP Security Solutions, Keysight Technologies

“When it comes to data privacy and safeguarding data, many of us immediately consider the risks presented by bad actors when it comes to our networks, data and endpoint devices. However, it is imperative that businesses champion a robust cybersecurity practice that includes both security and risk management. While security aims to put technology and tools in place that prevent a breach, risk management is focused on minimizing the risk and potential damage.

Security solutions alone are not always enough, and businesses need to ensure this is complimented with rigorous data encryption, and ongoing education in order to address data privacy with a holistic view. This proactive approach empowers individuals and organizations to fortify their digital presence. In a landscape where data propels innovation and fuels progress, the mantle of protecting privacy becomes a shared duty.

Keysight acknowledges the critical role of ensuring the security of digital ecosystems, which calls for a collective commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy. At Keysight, our dedication is unwavering in establishing and preserving trust with stakeholders through ethical data handling, transparent policies, and cutting-edge security measures. Through collaborative efforts, innovative strategies, and an unyielding commitment to privacy, Keysight envisions a future where individuals and businesses can leverage technology’s benefits with confidence, ensuring that data is safeguarded. On this Data Privacy Day, let us champion the cause of digital trust, reinforcing the groundwork for a connected world where data privacy is not merely a principle but a shared reality.”

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