1 min read

Recent Study Reveals That Too Much Use Of Twitter May Drive You Psychotic!

Little birdie can make you go cuckoo….!!!! 

twitter_magnifying_glass_reuters Recent study reveals that  too much use of Twitter  may drive you psychotic. If  you have a tendency to  read and post tweets all  through the day, you may  be in for big trouble.

 A recent study, where C, a  31-year-old, who has been  an extensive Twitter user  was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Germany. The reason was due to aggression and intensive suicidal intentions.

Twitter Psychosis, a paper claimed that C’s development of psychotic indications coexisted with the “extensive” use of Twitter, which went up to several hours a day. She would spend those hours reading and posting tweets. She was diagnosed with Twitter Psychosis: A Rare Variation or a Distinct Syndrome?

The paper further revealed that, “The indications initially were that she actually believed that a ‘famous actor’ was replying to her tweets through signs in his messages or through retweets by others.”

The lady is said to have recovered later and has lost interest in Twitter.

However, Twitter psychosis does not appear to be “substantially genuine” at this point.

Jan Kalbitzer of Charite-Universitatsmedizin, Berlin was quoted mentioning in the NBC news – “This was the only instance which was presented to the medical community. We discussed with colleagues if they have made similar experiences”. The paper appeared in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

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