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Kaspersky Lab Reveals How to Hunt Hackers in Palaeontology of Cybersecurity Conference

Suntec City, Singapore – Kaspersky Lab hosted a Security Conference, ‘Palaeontology of Cyber security Conference’ as part of the INTERPOL World Congress 2017. The conference aimed to shed light on how private and public cyber security experts work together to collect malware artifacts, map and analyze attacks, and find the trail of the hackers responsible for the most sophisticated cyber campaigns around the world.
INTERPOL World Congress 2017 is the second edition of the global exhibition and congress platform hosted by the world’s largest police organization, aimed at developing mutually beneficial collaborations, information sharing, innovations and solutions in response to security threats. Kaspersky Lab participated in the event along with other market leaders in IT security as well as professionals and members of the cyber security community.
The three-day cyber security conference highlighted Kaspersky Lab’s overview on the current state of cyber security globally and in Asia Pacific (APAC), which was presented by its founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky and members of Global Research & Analysis Team, APAC.
Thorough discussions about Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and the recent massive cyber attacks in the region such as the Wanna Cry ransomware were also a part of the agenda.
Some notable case studies on large-scale APTs that figured prominently in APAC were also shared during the conference to reveal the tools, techniques, and capabilities used by the APT actors in carrying out the attacks. Not to be missed was the presentation on the evolution of technical surveillance from traditional to online and how 5G mobile technology will accelerate cyber threats.
As online threats scale and sophistication of cyber attacks continue, the global cyber security is committed to link up with local and global law enforcement bodies to effectively combat cyber crime.
Kaspersky Lab and the INTERPOL have collaborated in unmasking several massive cyber attacks like the Tyupkin ATM malware in October 2014 and the Carbanak bank heist in February 2015.