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Indians Internet Access Percentage

downloadA study conducted across 32 emerging and developing nations by Pew Research Center reportedly found that only 20 percent of India’s population has access to the Internet.
The survey covered 36,619 people from 32 countries.
According to the study, only 14 percent of the people in the country actually own a smartphone.
The survey also revealed that 65 percent of Internet users in the country use social networking sites while 55 percent have at some point used the Internet to search for prospective jobs.
Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who together contribute to a quarter of the global population have very low Internet penetration, according to the study. The figures are pegged at 24 percent, 20 percent, 11 percent, and 8 percent respectively.
The study reportedly found that young, well-educated people with English reading and speaking skills tend to use the Internet more.
According to Pew Research Center, approximately 42 percent of the respondents felt the Internet to be a bad influence on morality, with 29 percent considering its influence to be a good one.