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BitTorrent Unveiled Bleep, A Snoopfree And Safe Chat Client

images (1)A rather contentious BitTorrent technology has launched a new chat client which promises secure and snoopfree communication after a lot of hard work from BitTorrent team. The technology uses decentralized infrastructure, instead of having a centralised server to handle chats and metadata. Bleep uses the same BitTorrent technology to build SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) server which is the engine for this chat client.

The need for such services are being felt globally after NSA-Snowden saga came into the light. Many clients uses encryption technology which is sufficient to guard chat data, but metadata remains in company server which is like open door to government snooping and hacking. Bleep does not maintain central storehouse of chat log and contact information.

Bleep users can find their friends through other nodes in network. Bleep maintains high procedure encryption such as curve25519, ed25519, salsa20 and poly1305. You can communicate through text and voice. Makers of Bleep believes in the idea of the open internet. It also serves as back end to any chat and voice application. The company launched it in pre alpha form and asks for email IDs of the users and wait for the invite.

After the due process, you will receive the download link for the same. The application is targeted to diplomats, journalists and those individuals who wants secure conversation. BitTorrent however, informs that there can be bug issues in the starting which will be resolved soon.

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