1 min read

8 Cool DIY Gadgets You Can Create Now With Raspberry Pi!

The Raspberry Pi is a handy miracle of sorts for the world of DIY electronics, the following gadgets are proof enough to show its capabilities. 

 The credit-card sized Raspberry Pi board is a nipply little gadget, isn’t is? Those neck-deep into the world of DIY electronics know and understand how useful the board is, and the fact that it’s not a pocket-burner affair adds a great deal to its appeal. Here are 8 cool DIY gadgets that you can build using the Pi board.


The BeetBox is a simple instrument that allows users to play drum beats by touching actual beets. It is powered by a Raspberry Pi with a capacitive touch sensor and an audio amplifier in a handmade wooden enclosure.

2.Home Alarm System

Uses full capabilities of Raspberry Pi and Netduino Plus to monitor home alarm system and report any sensor/motion detector activities via email (using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)), local web server, notifications (using PushingBox) and Pachube (now Cosm).

3.LED matrix

After making a 8X10 matrix, the developer looked at a pile of LEDs that he had leftover from an LED cube projected and decided to make a bigger matrix with all the things people wanted. The result: a 24X6 LED matrix. 

4.Nerf Gun Robot

Raspberry Jolt, the mini nerf-dart-shooting robot comes with with Wi-Fi control and remote video recording. It’s powered by the first gen Romo by Romotive and a raspberry pi.


Build an egg-coloring robot that is completely independent of external computers by embedding a Raspberry Pi into the EggBot chassis.

6.Coffee Table Pi

The purpose of this project is to create a modern slimline version of an arcade cocktail cabinet. Also to do other tasks such as browse web or write emails with the use of a wireless keyboard and mouse. The 60.96-cm (24-inch) LCD screen mounted in the center can be used to do any number of things such as show family photos or updates from social networking sites.


The basic idea is simple. Put a Raspberry Pi inside an aluminum case, wire it up to a screen, keyboard, mouse and batteries. Then plug in a USB hub, connect Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and the receiver for a wireless keyboard. We will also need to extend the Network port, add a headphone socket and speakers, fit in a battery pack, and then wire it all together.


Uses an old rotary dial telephone that rings when you get a call via Skype. 

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